Aplication Techonology

Application Technology is a training activity that aims to increase high school students' interest and ability in Internet of Things technology. This event is a sub-event of the IEEEBIG event held by IEEE ITS SB. In application technology, high school students will be taught to assemble electronic components and program a microcontroller to make a device that can solve everyday problems and this device can be controlled using a smartphone with an internet network. High school students can discuss and work together with other students in a group that will be determined by the committee.


siswa kelas 10, 11, 12 boleh ikut. siswa diharapkan membawa smartphone dan laptop saat pelatihan

acara ini gratis

Tidak, kamu akan diajarkan dari nol oleh para tutor kece badai.

tanggal 28 januari hari sabtu, dari jam 08:00-12:15 WIB
